Every wedding should have a ‘Plan B’ for inclement weather. You just can’t risk not having a back up plan on duty should Mother Nature end up playing a dirty trick on your wedding day.
We don’t sit and wait to see what happens if it rains. We must have a backup plan and enough umbrellas ready to cover everybody even if a minute torrential downpour happens.
As a wedding planner, it is my job to take on stress and worry for the bride and groom and bring out your dream wedding.I guess looking for snorkel gear for your guest is not part of your plan in implementing your dream wedding.So bride and groom please take my experience to heart.
The tears of Mother Nature doesn’t ruin your wedding day if you have a back up plan. Only you can ruin your wedding day. At the end of the day, you’re married and you’ll have a wonderful wedding day as long as you’ve got that ‘Plan B’ ready to roll if you need.