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Indoor ceremony VS Outdoor ceremony

06 October 2016

As a wedding planner I know how disappointing it can be with wet weather looming over an amazing outdoor ceremony you have in mind! All too often I see an entire ceremony of guests crammed into a poky room or a bland hotel reception which doesn’t really make for amazing wedding pictures! Colour 18 can offer you a wonderful indoor ceremony!


Jenny & Chris had their indoor ceremony and drinking service in our studio. If you do not have a large number of guests and want to keep your wedding simple and relax. This can be one of your option!



Cake cut can also be done in our studio.




Another bigger plus is the Temperature Control. Is the groom notoriously warm, even in the cooler months? Is Grandma always cold, even in the summertime? When you’re outdoors, there is little you can do about temperatures, except to provide hand fans to guests and/or encourage them to bring sweaters. You control the temperature from the beginning when you’re hosting an indoor wedding reception. Plus, you can seat your guests under vents or next to fans depending on their affinity for getting chilly or overheated.

With a few creative touches you can ensure your plan B is just as beautiful as your dream wedding ceremony!